Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) phone service is a rapidly growing alternative to traditional phone service.
Its popularity is fueled primarily by low prices, new features, and the consumer's ability to choose a phone number from nearly anywhere in the country (and sometimes, other countries).
Examples of VoIP services in Hamilton County are Comcast Phone, Electric Power Board Phone, Magic Jack, and Skype.
While VoIP is an attractive option, it is important for consumers to understand the potential limitations the technology has with respect to accessing 9-1-1.

Additional information about VoIP and 9-1-1 is available at:
- FCC Consumer Facts - VoIP and 9-1-1
- FCC General VoIP Information
- VoIP and 9-1-1 Advisory
- VoIP Factsheet
Source - http://www.nena.org/
9-1-1 Top 10 Tips
After the basics, here are more questions and answers about the 9-1-1 System
Register Your AED Device
Register your Automated External Defibrillator (AED) in Hamilton County here.
9-1-1 and Cell Phones
Know the details on calling the 9-1-1 System from your cell phone or smartphone
9-1-1 and Internet (VOIP) Phones
View instructions on how to call the 9-1-1 System from your EPB, Comcast phone, or Skype
9-1-1 and Texting
View instructions on how to text the
9-1-1 System -
9-1-1 Definitions
Learn more about current and future
9-1-1 services