Hamilton County 9-1-1’s Public Education Department is committed to building relationships with our community. Everyone knows, "In an emergency call 9-1-1," but do you know what is considered a true emergency? What questions may be asked? Or the reason for all the questions?
Having a basic understanding of the emergency response system helps take some of the stress away. Ultimately this helps us to help you during an emergency. See our 9-1-1 tips and guidelines.
Hamilton County 9-1-1 uses the national 9-1-1 mascot, Red. E. Fox and 9-1-1forKids's program to help us educate young children (pre-school through 2nd grade) to learn the differences between problems and emergencies and when to call 9-1-1. Find out more about our programs for children here.
For older children and adults, we partner with local emergency response agencies to focus more on prevention and answering more complex questions regarding 9-1-1 services, such as texting to 9-1-1, identifying medical, fire and law enforcement emergencies, and the importance of proper addressing.
Our Public Education and Outreach not only focuses on what to do during an emergency but also on ways you can help keep yourself and your family safe.